Friends. <3 |
Once January passes, and February and March comes, you start to get this jittery, anxious feeling. What's that feeling? Oh yeah, break. Summer, to be more specific.
Its funny, really, because I've been waiting for this moment for so long, and yet, I've pretty much accomplished nothing.
So, to get on with my actual point, when my friend calls me up and tells me to meet her at the mall, I jumped for the chance. Problem was, she didn't tell me what time she was going to the mall, and I wasn't aware that she was going to swing in and out in around an hourish, tops.
Long story, short, after around fifteen minutes of staying with me, she had to leave...which left me, at the mall...alone. See, in other circumstances, I would have driven home, no big deal. Yeah, it might be a big deal when your mom decides to save gas and drops you off on her way to run errands, and can't pick you up until at least an hour later.
So, here I am, this sad little girl, calling practically every number in her phone. I ended up talking to one of my friends, and she said it was her father's birthday. She asked if I wanted her to come and get me, and because I felt so bad, I denied the offer, deciding that I wasn't going to intrude on her family time.
Well, let me tell you about this friend, she is crazy dedicated and won't take no for an answer. Five minutes later, she calls me and tells me she's at the light outside the mall, and of course, I freak out and tell her that she didn't have to come.
My dad is friends with her uncle, so I know her family pretty well, and I spent the rest of the evening with her family.
Point is, everyone needs friends like these. Friends that will stay up late with you because you're scared out of your mind. Friends that will bluntly tell you that you look stupid in whatever you're considering purchasing. Friends that tell you to stop worrying about every detail in life. And friends that tell you to follow your dreams.
I know that I have people I can count on, and I freaking love them for it.
Here's to the best friends in the world! <3