Thursday, June 21, 2012

Movie Marathon

I'm still recovering from my surgery, and in all this spare time I have, I've been watching movies non-stop. Now, if you know me personally, you'll know that I almost never watch movies.

Growing up, my parent's weren't a big fan of movie theaters, and every so often my dad and I would rent movies. By "every so often" I mean like once in every four or so months.

So it's pretty much safe to say that I didn't watch any movie that wasn't on TV. [We didn't have movie channels either...] It wasn't until I was around thirteen-ish that I started going to the movies with my friends pretty regularly.

So now, to make up for all the movies I haven't seen, I've literally been watching movies left and right. Y'know the sad part? I went to my friend's house yesterday, because she's leaving for basketball camp, and we won't see each other until around Julyish, and we literally just sat on her couch and watched movies. Fail.

Gosh, I feel like such a bum.

I literally just finished Iron Man about two minutes ago, haha.

My horribly puffy cheeks. I am not a happy camper -__-

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